Ramadan Ready: How to Set Yourself Up for Success

Reflect on Previous Ramadan:

  • Take a moment to sit back, relax and think about your previous Ramadan/s.
  • How do you feel about your last Ramadan or the ones before that? Do you feel good? Satisfied? Happy?
  • Or do you feel like you didn’t do enough and could have done better?
  • What are the things you could have done better? Where were you lacking?
  • What were your strengths? The things that went well?

Ask Yourself:

  • What if this is my last Ramadan?
  • How can I make this Ramadan my best ever?
  • How can I improve on the areas where I struggled during past Ramadan/s?
  • What are the steps I need to take?
  • What are the goals I need to achieve?
  • What are the habits I need to work on?

Make a List of Goals/Habits:

Once you have reflected on your previous Ramadan/s and identified your shortcomings and strengths, make a list of goals you want to achieve and habits you want to develop. This list will be a rough list, not the final one, so brainstorm everything that comes to your mind. If you need some ideas, check out my Ideas and Tips for Ramadan Goals article.

Start Voluntary Fasting:

Preparing your body for Ramadan through voluntary fasting is highly beneficial. It’s not only a Sunnah but also helps your body adjust. Begin by fasting on Mondays, Thursdays, and the White Days (13th, 14th, and 15th of each Islamic month). This gradual adjustment will make fasting during Ramadan easier and less overwhelming for your body.

Slowly Adjust Your Eating Habits:

It’s important to adjust your eating and drinking habits before Ramadan. Gradually reduce your food and water intake during the day and shift it to the night/evening. Cutting back on midday snacks can also help your body adjust to fasting.

Meal Prep.:

Food plays a significant role during Ramadan, but spending excessive time in the kitchen can detract from your worship. To save time and energy, begin meal prepping in advance. Plan meals that are quick to prepare or can be made ahead of time, so you’re not rushing to cook during the blessed month. Make a list of meals that you can make during Ramadan. Make sure to select meals that can be prepped earlier and don’t require much time to make.

Digital Detox:

A digital detox is essential in this day and age, as distractions from endless scrolling are all too common. Take a day to unfollow accounts or channels that may lead to unnecessary distractions. Adjust your social feeds to include more Islamic content, ensuring that even if you spend time on your phone, you’re surrounded by positive and Iman-boosting content.

Deep Cleaning and Organizing:

Take the time now to deep clean and organize your home (or room). A clean, tidy space will allow you to focus more on your worship and less on household tasks during Ramadan.

Make a Dua List:

Make sure to have a list of Duas you want to ask Allah during Ramadan so you will not forget or miss out on anything. You can write your Duas on a piece of paper, a journal or on your phone and keep it handy while making Dua. If you don’t like the idea of writing your Duas due to privacy reasons, you can just use code words or small hints that only you understand.

Reflect on Your Sins and Ask for Forgiveness:

Take some quiet moments to reflect on your past mistakes and sins. Ask Allah for forgiveness, guidance, and strength to become a better version of yourself during this blessed month.

Set Your Intentions:

Before Ramadan begins, set clear, sincere intentions for how you want to spend the month. Align your goals with your faith, and remember that Ramadan is a time for spiritual growth and connection with Allah.

Ramadan is a special time to renew your faith, strengthen your relationship with Allah, and build lasting habits that go beyond just the month itself. By taking the time to prepare mentally, physically, and spiritually, you set yourself up for a truly transformative experience. Remember, this Ramadan is an opportunity to grow, improve, and seek forgiveness. Whether it’s through reflection, setting clear goals, or adjusting your daily habits, every step you take brings you closer to a meaningful and rewarding month. May Allah make this Ramadan your best one yet, full of blessings, mercy, and peace. Ameen!

1 thought on “Ramadan Ready: How to Set Yourself Up for Success”

  1. Pingback: 12 Ramadan Prep Challenges For a Successful Ramadan - Strive With Jiya

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