Ramadan To-Not List: Mistakes to Avoid

Ramadan is not only a time of fasting but also a time for spiritual reflection, self-discipline, and personal growth. While mostly we focus on what to do during this blessed month, it is equally important to be mindful of what not to do. Here’s a comprehensive Ramadan To-Not List to inspire you to spend a more conscious and productive Ramadan. In Sha Allah!

1. Do Not Delay Salah – Prioritize Your Prayers on Time

Salah is the foundation of our faith and must not be delayed. Plan your day around Salah and make Salah your priority.

“Indeed, prayer has been decreed upon the believers a decree of specified times.” (Quran 4:103)

Tip: This Ramadan, not only try to pray on time but also try to improve the quality of your Salah as well. Don’t know how to improve the quality of your Salah? Don’t worry, I have compiled practical ways to transform Salah for you to check out.

2. Do Not Overeat at Iftar – Eat in Moderation

Overeating not only harms the body but also distracts from worship. Follow the Sunnah rule of 1/3 water, 1/3 food and 1/3 air to make sure you do not over fill your stomach and feel fresh and energetic during your worship.

“The son of Adam does not fill any vessel worse than his stomach…” (Tirmidhi 2380)

3. Do Not Waste Time on Social Media – Use Your Time Wisely

Ramadan is an opportunity to disconnect from distractions and reconnect with Allah. Don’t let social media distract you from your Ramadan goals.

“By time, indeed, mankind is in loss, except for those who have believed and done righteous deeds…” (Quran 103:1-3)

4. Do Not Gossip or Backbite – Guard Your Tongue

Gossiping can diminish the rewards of fasting. This Ramadan train yourself to avoid the sins of tongue and speak only good things about others.

“Do you know what backbiting is?” They said, “Allah and His Messenger know best.” He said, “It is to mention something about your brother that he dislikes.” (Muslim 2589)

5. Do Not Sleep the Whole Day – Balance Rest with Productivity

Rest is essential, but excessive sleep wastes valuable time for worship. Don’t let your sleep schedule get in the way of blessings. My tip is to go to sleep early between 9-11 and wake up at least 2 hours before Fajar so you can have enough time for Tahajjud, Duas and Suhoor. Don’t sleep after Fajar as that time is full of Barakah. Take a power nap after Zohar prayer and wake up before Asar.

“And We made your sleep [a means for] rest.” (Quran 78:9)

6. Do Not Skip Suhoor – It’s a Blessed Meal

Even a small meal at Suhoor carries immense blessings. Eating something for Suhoor not only brings blessings but also helps the fasting person retain energy throughout the day. Fasting on an empty stomach can make you feel weak or dizzy and affect your worship.

“Eat Suhoor, for in Suhoor there is blessing.” (Bukhari 1923)

7. Do Not Judge Others’ Worship – Focus on Your Own Journey

Everyone’s spiritual journey is unique. Everyone’s Iman level is different. Just because you can do more than others doesn’t mean you have the right to think of yourself as better than others. Thank Allah for giving you the ability to do more and pray for your brothers and sisters and encourage them to do more by inspiring them through your actions.

“Indeed, Allah does not look at your appearance or wealth, but He looks at your hearts and deeds.” (Muslim 2564)

8. Do Not Lose Patience – Stay Calm, Especially When Hungry

Ramadan teaches patience and self-control. The whole point of fasting is to be patient and if you can’t control your anger and emotions due to hunger or thirst then you are fasting just as a chore and not as an act of worship.

“And seek help through patience and prayer…” (Quran 2:45)

9. Do Not Hoard Food or Supplies – Share with Those in Need

Ramadan is a time of generosity. Check-up on your family and neighbors to make sure they have the resources for Ramadan.

“He is not a believer whose stomach is filled while his neighbor goes hungry.” (Baihaqi 19049)

10. Do Not Complain About Fasting – It’s a Blessing, Not a Burden

Fasting is a means of purification and a great reward. You are fasting for your own benefit. Allah told us the main goal of fasting in the Quran i.e., “to develop taqwa”. Educate and constantly remind yourself and others about the reason for fasting.

“O believers! Fasting is prescribed for you—as it was for those before you—so perhaps you will become mindful ˹of Allah˺.” (Al Baqarah 2;183)

11. Do Not Waste Water During Wudhu – Be Mindful of Resources

Water is a blessing that should not be wasted. You don’t need to waste half a gallon of water to do Wudhu. Train yourself to use as little water as possible for Wudhu and teach others to do so as well.

“Do not waste water, even if you perform your ablution on the banks of an abundantly-flowing river.” (Ibn Majah 425)

12. Do Not Watch or Listen to Harmful Content – Protect Your Heart and Mind

What we consume influences our hearts. They say, “You are what you eat” and this saying is also true for what you feed your mind with. Feed your mind with beneficial content.

“The hearing, the sight, and the heart – all those will be questioned.” (Quran 17:36)

13. Do Not Miss Out on Charity – Give Whatever You Can

Charity holds immense rewards in Ramadan. Give whatever you can to those in need. You don’t need to give a lot. There is nothing too little when it comes to charity.

“The best charity is that given in Ramadan.” (Tirmidhi 663)

14. Do Not Skip the Quran – Even a Few Verses a Day Count

The Quran was revealed in Ramadan, making its recitation even more special. Allocate specific times throughout the day for Quran recitation, memorization and/or Tadabbur. Make sure to spend as much time as you can with the Quran.

“The month of Ramadan [is that] in which was revealed the Quran…” (Quran 2:185)

15. Do Not Neglect Family Time – Strengthen Bonds Through Kindness

Ramadan is a time to nurture family relationships. Do not neglect your family to do more worship. You need to keep a balance between both. You can also combine both by having Tadabbur sessions with your family or by attending an Islamic seminar or listening to Islamic podcasts with your family and much more.

“The best of you are those who are best to their families.” (Tirmidhi 3895)

16. Do Not Break Fast in Secret – Be Sincere in Your Fasting

Fasting is a personal act of devotion between you and Allah. If you break your fast in secret, your witness will be Allah Himself.

“There is nothing between Allah and the fast except sincerity.” (Nasa’i 2222)

17. Do Not Argue or Fight – Walk Away from Unnecessary Conflict

Ramadan teaches self-restraint. Use these 30 days to train yourself to avoid unnecessary arguments and conflicts.

“If someone fights him or abuses him, he should say: ‘I am fasting.'” (Bukhari 1904)

18. Do Not Be Harsh in Speech – Speak with Kindness

Kindness is a hallmark of the believer. Be kind towards not only humans but also birds and animals.

“And speak to people kindly…” (Quran 2:83)

19. Do Not Delay Seeking Forgiveness – Keep Your Heart Light

Seeking forgiveness is an essential part of Ramadan. Don’t leave Ramadan without getting your past sins forgiven. Use this opportunity to the best of your abilities. Set a “Daily Istighfaar Goal” for yourself and try to achieve it.

“Indeed, Allah loves those who are constantly repentant…” (Quran 2:222)

20. Do Not Let Ramadan Pass Without Change – Carry Its Blessings Beyond the Month

Ramadan is a time for transformation, not just routine. This month is an opportunity for us to build life-long habits. Ramadan shows us our true potential. Make sure to have a list of achievable goals for Ramadan that you will work on. Select 2-3 habits that you want to develop or improve and make a sincere effort towards your goals.

“The most beloved of deeds to Allah are those that are consistent, even if they are few.” (Bukhari 6464)

By avoiding these common pitfalls, we can unlock the full spiritual potential of Ramadan. May Allah guide us, accept our fasts, and allow us to emerge from Ramadan with purified hearts and strengthened faith. Ameen!

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